
Spacertale (Hardcore Mode)
So: This is an original (Despite Frisk being the player) Game,But the battle system is similar to undertale so,gotta give credit to toby fox.
Genocide: Just stay in the first area of the game. The whole area. so before you exit (Spoiler) and find the Wierd Tree. Kill everything. if you enter the area where the wierd tree is before killing 50 monsters,your run has failed
Neutral-Kill 1 or 2 or 3...just dont kill everything but kill something.
True-Dont kill anything. Act twice and then click Mercy to Spare a Monster
Controls: Z to interact,Space to check your stats and Up,Down,Right,and Left Arrows to move.
Finally 2 more things: To finish the geno run,kill Omega (Spoiler) then click the flag again once it says "The end" (if it doesnt lag,if that happens,just leave it running for some hours or mins,Clicking "Z" when you think it will work. you have to go through about 3 or 4 lines of laggy text. ignore "Not Responding")
Then you can fight gorman
This game saves automatically. Closing the game means you have to start over (due to it being very short) so keep the tab open,youtubers!
All music in this game does not belong to me. it belongs to other music makers out there.
Spacertale HARDCORE happens before spacertale
link to blessa without a hat: https://orig00.deviantart.net/e629/f/2018/102/3/4/overworld_sprite_blessa__no_hat__by_normiespacertalefan-dc8nf6m.png
link to dark gorman sprite: https://orig00.deviantart.net/ce61/f/2017/285/9/c/spacertale_dark_gorman_sprite_by_dohmantale-dbqdsow.png
and link to genocide mason: https://orig00.deviantart.net/dd3f/f/2017/286/7/5/spacertale_disbelief_mason_sprite_by_dohmantale-dbqgqul.png
The Reason i'm linking these is because mason and dark gorman are inacessible unless you want to sit through lag after beating (SPOILER)