Comments (15)
Nice.💕 You made this game yourself?
Going deeper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Rb8MFYUWGA
Latest version is cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifh4lN0Grf0
i like it but i fell lke you shpuld get checkpoints and make the enemys weapon damage lower and if you can get the graphics up and make it feel like the player has more freedom to move around and add more weapons the player can use and maybe even give accses to vehcles in some missions
Very nice game. ❤❤
WWII Operations Desert Front
Game Soundtrack
W.W.II Operations: Desert Front is a World War 2 first-person shooter that takes place during the Western Desert Campaign (1940-1943)
- American Campaign: You will play as soldiers from the 9th Infantry Division of the U.S Army, sent to Rabat during Operation Torch, 1942. Your mission is to liberate the country from Vichy French occupation, fight alongside with your platoon and help them get through the toughest of situations. These characters include:
- Sergeant James Andrew Hawkins, 21 years old, 1st Platoon 2nd-in-command, Baker Squad.
- Private Jim Becker, 20 years old, Baker Squad.
- Sergeant Joe Ryder, 25 years old, 1st Platoon Leader, Able Squad.
Start from the shores of Morocco to Vichy-occupied villages and Special Operations Afrika Korps bases, experience the Invasion of Rabat like never before!
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Official Soundtrack by Karam Bharj (Aurvandil): https://www.youtube.com/@KaramBharj
New Campaigns coming soon. Italian Campaign under the new name: Lions on The Desert Front.
DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
#shooter #ww2 #war #army #cod #medalofhonor #oldschool #fps #singleplayer #action #retro