
XINZ School Rage
The HTML Game is from Scratch and Turbowarp Packager!
Uses 50.3MB
This game has 75 characters to fight with and the AI does the second player fight
You can choose 75 different Characters on this game but the AI can not choose the same character that you choose!
Player and Com health is on 200!
Minigames are (Poster of hi) (Underwear Advelino) (Trizico on Baji)
NOTE: pressing the game too quick or Clicking while animating the sprites end up not hiding!
HTML is used more than any other codes!
Want to package your own Project? use this https://packager.turbowarp.org/ Coded from Github if you use Scratch to make games, this is the Best packager to use!
Music Creations!
Xinvon Music Xin XIn McKenzie is the Creator of this game which is Me! but I do love making music also by Using Garageband! Somehow it is Outdated and can Not be updated because Garageband Must ake the latest IOS Release!.

#other #action #rpg #fight #chaos #arcade #short #altgame #minigame
My Website is My YouTube channel!