
Comments (4)

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Xtreme Pong

Version: 1.4.1over 5 years ago

Pong with a twist.
Enable full screen in the settings or pause menu if playing in browser.
Press esc/p for pause menu.
Control paddle with mouse. #retro #pointnclick #other


im done with this one, was a pretty good learning experience to mess around with godot

Added Tomms ball for getting the highest score on the scoreboard. Rough Draft.

Now the paddle changes colors to show you which size it is, and when a ball changes to red it has an animation.

Made it so that if the pink paddle is smaller than the normal size it will give you more points for scoring. 1 point for normal size, 2 for medium, and 3 for small.

Made it so that player paddle doesn't go off screen, also game pauses on alt tab.