
Comments (17)

What do you think?

it's nice

A pretty great game.

cool game

can you leave the room?

Really neat and suitably brutal roguelike! I think this one has some huge potential if you continue development on it. Since movement/positioning is a big deal, it has the feel of some of the recent "puzzle rogues" like 868-Hack, and more recently Power Grounds, Amber Halls and soon, Microgue. It's kind of neat in YAR that you're not really powerful, and have to spend time figuring out how to deal with enemies indirectly.

I think the environment hazards in YAR are also really unique and interesting. I don't quite understand how/where the rocks fall, but I like the idea. It would be interesting to use/focus on this as an alternative to the 'food clock' found in most rogues. Imagine some Lovecraftian horror is awaking, and the longer you take, the more ridiculous the environmental hazards become. I think that would make for a really neat mechanic.

I might just be dense, but I couldn't find a way to progress past the initial room. I'm not sure how much game is actually here yet, so it could just be that there is more on the way. For instance, I couldn't figure out what to do with the key. If there were additional stairs/rooms, I couldn't find them.

In any case, I think you have a real gem here, and I'm excited to see where you go with it!


Yet Another Roguelike

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

YAR is a not-so-traditional roguelike game that takes place in a haunted castle changing and updating randomly. The walls are shifting, rocks are emerging from nowhere and the ancient evil is about to awake...


  • Move: <Arrow keys> or <Num keys>

  • Wait: <Ctrl> or <Num5>

  • Use item: <Letter keys> ( <S> for swallowing steaks, <P> for quaffing potions, etc). Using a bomb or a trap will enable pointer mode: <Arrow keys> or <Num keys> to change the position of a bomb (trap) that you're planting, <B> or <T> to confirm, <Ctrl> to cancel. Only planting bombs or traps counts as an action

  • Restart: <R>

  • Switch weapon: <Tab>

  • Use weapon (specials only): <Space>

You can use digits from <1> to <6> to enable / disable equipped items and <0> to enable / disable falling boulders (demo feature)

Energy system**

All actions take energy (that is restored by food items). Having your energy at 0 means consuming health. Energy (as well as current health and attack) also defines the amount of damage you deal to enemies.

Item types

  • Collectables - used only once, stored in inventory

  • Weapons - only one of a type can be equipped at a time, have an ability that automatically activates every N attacks (N is a constant for each weapon)

  • Specials - like weapons, but an ability can be activated at any time by pressing <Space>

  • Equipables - have permanent effects, not stored in inventory (displayed near weapon icon)


  • Bombs & Traps - those things probably kill

  • Steak / Mutton leg - restores energy once eaten

  • Coins - do I need to explain what are they used for?..

  • Potion - restores health and increases its maximum by 2

  • Key - unlocks one golden chest

  • Armor - well, levels your armor stat (note that armor can be broken by enemy's attacks)

  • Mushroom - makes your muscles grow and gives you +1 attack


  • Mace - gives +1 attack bonus, pierces armor every hit

  • Dagger - gives +1 attack bonus, every second swing allows you to walk through an attacked enemy

  • Sword - gives +2 attack bonus, pushes enemy back every 3 swings

  • Sabre - gives +2 attack bonus, causes bleeding every 3 swings (that damages enemy for the half of its max health overall)

  • Montante - gives +4 attack bonus, drains energy twice as quickly as other weapons, increases max health stat every 4 swings

  • Axe - gives +4 attack bonus, drains energy twice as quickly as other weapons, every 5-th swing is an instant kill


  • Pickaxe - smashes walls & rocks

  • Gun - shoots... arrows. Don't look at me like that

  • Teleporter - teleports you; randomly and heartlessly


  • [1] Throwing gauntlet - allows bombs and traps throwing (double tap direction key while in pointer mode)

  • [2] Ring of protection - revives you after death, then mysteriously disappears

  • [3] Fan - allows you to restore energy by waiting if your current energy amount is below 10

  • [4] Shield - blocks all damage if active (wil not save you from explosions), gets activated by waiting while not surrounded by enemies

  • [5] Jordans - increase movement speed

  • [6] Googles - provide information on boulder's landing tile

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

YAR gets shops

Well, that actually means I’ve added shops. And shopkeepers. And things.

You can have a look if you mind…

Marrow Wind grows stronger...