Comments (2)
I like the game so far, but I can't figure out what to do once you get the two key pieces and hit the clock until you hear the click. I've tried:
use key part 1 key part 2
use screwdriver key part 1 key part 2
use key part 2 key part 1
use key part 1 key part 2 fireplace
(both while there was a fire going and not)
(to make a key)
I thought that maybe it automatically let me use the key once i had both parts so i tried
use key trapdoor
use key door
use key clock
use key part 1 key part 2 trapdoor
use key part 1 key part 2 door
use key part 1 trapdoor
use key part 1 door
use key part 2 trapdoor
use key part 2 door
and out of frustration i tried
use log clock
use clock fireplace
use table fireplace
use log table
use key table
use head fireplace
i exist!
You exist
A small text-based escape game.