Comments (58)
This game sucks, Is sooooo bad, that i'll show the bad things:
In this image you can see how "good" he cutted the background, Seriously, even Chemical plant Background looks cleaner than this one

2. So, Sonic simply Blasts off at his maximum speed barely i press right or left? What about getting Momentum and that stuff? Besides, Sonic isn't spinning in the air when jumping like he does when jumping normally, Also, why i die touching the sides of the spikes when i should die from touching the top? Also, Why i don't get an animation of Death? and the Screen of the act appearing afterwards? Also it says i have 1 Life when clearly i have like infinite lives.
3. No Result Screen when winning a level?
4. Why the soundtrack is Pure Earrape!?
5. Instead of being scary it's a literal carnival of fun.
6. Why i can't attack Eggman in Emerald Hill ACT 2?
7. The Death Egg Battle is way very easy.
8. That's it? A literal "End" Screen? Even the original one is more outsettling than this, This isn't a remake where it makes the OG game better, it makes it WORSE.
Now I don't usually say this but:
Please. Take this down. This remake is just a complete disrespect. A complete disaster. You made this remake just to make the original game bad, and no one wants that.
Wait.Do you have the permmision from @NotSoDevyJolt ?
I remember this game it was very sad... when will it come out?
Hello You're Good.
Friendship - A Sonic 2 Creepypasta (remake)
Orginal game notsodevy i'm remake this so don't report #fangame #adventure #platformer #creepypasta #original #sonic2 #sonic #sonicthehedgehog #tails #miles #friendshipcreepypasta
The game your about to play was inspired by the bad ending of Sonic 2 (Master System/Game Gear). Please note that this is NOT a Sonic.EXE game. This was an attempt at making an original Sonic creepypasta, since there are less ones that aren't related to Sonic.EXE.