Comments (5)
This seems pretty cool
wow this sucks!!
[* . . . so, paps.]
[ Yeah bro?]
[* the surface has a lot of...]
[* plants and stuff, right?]
[ Well....I'd say so.]
[ A lot of meadows.]
[* meadows?]
[ . . . Wonderful places.]
[ Somewhere we can get lost in.]
[* . . . sounds nice.]
US!Meadows is an unique take on the DISTRUST AU, having a more calmer and relaxed feeling to it.
Sans, no longer seeking extreme vengeance for his brother seeks one thing.
Perhaps if he tried, he can still get you to change.
But maybe a bit of talking will have to do.
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans