Comments (6)
I've uploaded a Windows Installer for those of you who prefer Windows and no ads
Not bad. I thought it was pretty smooth and fun. 3/5
The voice-over story is a fantastic B-scifi parody and the audio-visuals are appropriate.
Unfortunately the overall gameplay boils down to sticking to one side of the screen and chipping hp away from the enemies little by little.
It's not very exciting.
One fix is to dramatically reduce the size of the "Thermaflon" so that one can move among the enemies and dodge their fire, which might just be a bit too plentiful at the moment.
The simple controls are ok, but consider implementing some additional actions/skills like bombs, shields, teleporting, phase-shifting, etc.
Look at other shmups for ideas.
Some hud tweaks as well:
-Hp bar should follow the player or it could be bigger and situated in the bottom of the screen.
-The pre- and post-mission enemy/power up statistics don't seem to work.
-If you open a mission and then another one there are two voice-overs running at the same time.
Zilgax Story
About: This is a shooter game reminiscent of Galaga with RPG qualities. If you die or the game ends, you keep your stats which increases as you pick up certain power ups or buy powerups. Fast paced, battle alien ships, blast asteroids and kill bosses. There is voice narration before, during, and after each level so be sure to turn volume up to hear it.
Story: Earth is being invaded by the Zilgax. You must pilot an unknown alien spaceship to fight them. Along the way, you pick up allies that help improve your ship. You will be chasing them out of the Solar system as you travel to planets and some moons.
How to Play: Very simple... Click and drag the mouse around the screen. The ship auto-shoots