
Comments (2)

What do you think?

I saw your video on YouTube :) While I applaud your effort to give to charity, I do reccomend "upping" the quality of your games. The idea's are there, but giving them a little bit of a make over would go a mile. If you need a hand with the charity thing, shoot me a message on GameJolt here. The game im working on will be having a KickStarter to raise 500k dollars, with 100k of that going to charity. If you wan't to help out, let me know :)

u wot dead m8?

Game Soundtrack

1 song

title screen song

Mild Cartoon Violence

Alpha 0.0.6 is out !!

I have released another alpha but this one dosent have a menu or anything like that. It is simply just a small teaser for you to play while I am making zombies beta.

I hope you enjoy playing,

Thanks - Leon


The progress so far.

Adding screenshots

I will be adding screenshots of the game in development up to now soon. I cant wait for you guys to see it. Thats all I wanted to say.

Thanks - Leon

Its looking awesome

Another alpha ?

Going away

It is going good.

Project Nameless

I am currently working on a new project with someone and we hope it will be awesome. I can’t reveal anything yet but what I can say is its not Zombies beta. You guys will love it though.
Thanks for understanding - Leon Lowe

Not enough ?

Hey guys,
I am so sorry for not bringing you guys a game in ages ive just been really busy. I am currently working on a completly new game and I think you will all love it.
Thanks for under