Comments (23)
Hey, it's against the rules to post a link to your game in your description like how you have done. I've hidden your game from the site - please get back to me when you have taken out the link. Thanks.
It's a very good start to what can be an awesome game. The path finding is great and the weapon choices are nice. The way to select weapons is not immediately obvious. I would recommend something like a selection wheel that pops up when you press a key. Also, the player character's center of rotation should be the center of his body, not his gun.
If the developer fixes these small issues and fleshes out more gameplay I'm sure this will be one of the best shooters.
fun and addictive :)
I just replayed the game, and it's really awesome to see you making some progress. The guns feel a LOT better, but they still have some issues. Namely, you can use your pistol, shotgun, etc. like an automatic rifle by just clicking really fast. This eliminates any sense of challenge.
I think if you waited a certain amount of time (depending on the gun) before allowing another bullet to be shot, you'd be able to add a lot more depth to the gameplay mechanics, as well as more variety to the feel of the guns.
The collisions are a LOT better and I have no real gripe with them anymore.
One more thing that you could do, though, is give the enemies some kind of animation when they're killed. It's not very satisfying to shoot a zombie and he just transfo0rm into a splat of blood.
Epic game!
zombie killing spree 0.1