Comments (8)
Nice game idea, I really enjoyed it :))
cool game!
The game is not bad, but walking animation of the main character is a bad and missing the restart button.
My rate: 3/5 :)
Good luck in the competition!
what the restart button
Zombie Raids
Zombie Raid is a platformer game about preventing zombies from reaching the side adjacent from where they came. It was made in a total of 8 hours in C++ for the Mini Ludum Dare contest and its my first competition game ever!
Up/Down/Left/Right - navigate
Space - buy sentry or place sentry
The game is divided into waves. Each wave, more entrances for zombies will be opened, so its a fast-paced game!
The zombies will try to go from one side to the other. Stop them by placing the sentry guns! When you need a new sentry gun, go to the top of the map and pay $200.
I might update it later. Source code is also here: