
Zombie Rush
This game is multiplayer and controller playable only

With days left to live, desperate and crazed scientist John Rogers attempts to develop a cure to save his life. With the cure finally mixed a sudden shock leads to John dropping the one thing that would keep him alive.
The cure worked. Just not as expected. The chemical mix turned any creature infected into an undead nightmare.
Can you kill all the zombies and escape with your lives?

Key Features:
Endless Zombie Shooter
Controller Only
Optional Story
Multiple Weapons
115 Unique Voiced Lines
Small and Tight Map
Custom Soundtrack

Change Button - D-Pad
Select - X
Shoot - R2
Pickup/Use - Square
Drop - Triangle
Walk - Right Analog Stick
Look - Left Analog Stick

Tyler Winmill
Izzy Taylor
Ralph Winmill
Riley Campbell
Chris Meikle
Marius Stanley
Jacob Thomson
Hunter Winmill
Ben Vowles
#horror #multiplayer #shooter #puzzle #survival #zombie #controller