Comments (7)
Nice entry, I quite enjoyed the simplicity of just having one button. I think this feels like it could be a mobile game where you just tap the screen for the button. Also it's nice to see new people picking up GameMaker. Great job!

Fun, but I don't see how this would be multiplayer, though. Great mobile-like game
I love how this feels to play, very satisfying, and wonderful art too. At first I was very confused as to why you'd even need to release the spacebar, I got an endless line of zombies with no obstacles. But then I got a bomb and found out why.
However due to the random nature, it can create some impossible situations such as a zombie immediately after a tree. You can't pick it up without hitting the tree.
A little bit of polish here and there could be good like a death screen rather than an immediate restart.
Other than that, great work! The thumbnail really stands out against the other submissions
Doesn't work in my screen, it's completely oversized and I can only see less than half the screen. I'm watching it in a 2K monitor.
Collect the zombies ! Avoid the obstacles #arcade #scifi #survival
Hi, I am Bob. I am a Graphic designer based in Mongolia. Game dev is my hobby/life. This ZUFO! is made for OperaGX Game Jam.
Learning new game engin /Gamemaker/ in two week is super challenging and super fun!
I like the Drag and Drop version and it is easy to learn. But, there is not enough tutorials out there.
So, Thanks to OperaGx for chance to use Gamemaker studio 2 for free ♥