Comments (6)
The pixel art looks good! Fun game!
Check out my entry
Love the way the skeletons die! I included it in part 27 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/mrC7NWYGPhY

This is fun! Solid execution of a simple idea. And the music is cool, too!
This is awesome. 5/5 for sure!
Let your skills decide the fate of our dark suited hero in this top down sword fighting experience. With only a pair of swift feet and a blazing sword you must fight hordes of skeletons as they rush towards you in a never ending madness. Plus compete against others for high score!
Made for the #indiesvsgamers jam.
NOTE: Unfortunately it seems the high score list in game only collects your OWN scores, don't know why. Of course everything looked to be working fine when I was just testing it myself, duh! ;) Will try to fix this after the jam. Meenwhile enjoy the worldwide high score list here on the web!