The Longest Hall (Semi-Scrapped)

3 years ago

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1 comment


Next up

Game is ready to release, just setting up the itch page and then I'll release it

all watching

Short New trailer for Episode 6

NEW Visionary XMAS Short

Watch the rest of it here:

Yume Nikki Animation Number 3. Now with Poniko and Uboa from that moment in the game.

Progress: I finished the first two levels mostly and I am now working on the third level. Development is going decent. The only difficult thing is coming up with new environments but here is a screenshot for the third level!!!

Vinn's Mini Courses is OUT!!

Have luck in speedrunning!!!

Been working on a game for a few days now. Based on some dreams I had + other stuff. Made a page today cuz the game is more than halfway done so ye.