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looks intensely under rated


The Longest Hall Scrapped Build

Version: 0.1.08 months ago

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

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As you look for food in your pantry you see an impossibly long hall way. You go into the hall and you turn back. You're stuck. You have to find a way out. #horror #platformer #survival #analog #other


A game of exploration, hiding, jumping and running.

In strange environments. With 20 planned levels. Listen to the papers and follow the level.

This is my first full on unity game I am making so yeah... but its going good.


So i kinda semi scrapped this game but not really (+ scrapped build is up if you want it. Kinda unoptimised though.) READ ARTICLE

....- -.. / --... ----. / ..--- ----- / -.... ....- / -.... ----. / --... ...-- / -.... ...-- / -.... ..-. / --... -.... / -.... ..... / --... ..--- / -.... ----. / -.... ..... / --... ...-- / ...-- .- / ----- .- / ----- .-

Progress: I finished the first two levels mostly and I am now working on the third level. Development is going decent. The only difficult thing is coming up with new environments but here is a screenshot for the third level!!!