BiSnt Season 1

5 years ago

0.5.1 patch and 4 Episode

I welcome everyone!

this will be a short post in which I will talk about the recently released patch and about the development of the fourth episode of BiSnt

let's get started

A few words about the patch. Well, he came out not as big as I wanted. This is largely due to the fact that I was just afraid to break the game or somehow change the episode too much. Nevertheless, when I spent on them both time and energy, I just didn’t want to throw it away. I changed a few points in the first episode and one in the second. Now they are more similar to the mechanics of the third episode. During development, I plunged headlong into my old code, which was a nightmare. It was very difficult to understand all this, especially considering that everything there could be destroyed by a light breeze. Nevertheless, I did everything and even was able to tweak and tweak something, so it was definitely not in vain.

In general, that’s all. In the next update, I will add Russian lang for the third episode, which, by the way, is already in development.

Well, now about the fourth episode

so, most of the animation, backdrops and dialogs are ready, and I little by little put them into the game itself. The episode, like the previous one, will be voluminous. Unless, unlike the third, there will be fewer events in it, but the topics that he will touch on will be more.

The episode is called "Meeting" and this is perhaps the most ambiguous title of all, because there will be a "meeting" of several heroes, and all of them will be crucial for some characters. In general, it begins what I started to create BiSnt for and I can’t convey my joy that I finally got to this “point”

Episode 4 "Meeting" is coming February 14th.

In general, I noticed that I can quite release on an episode a month, if I put enough effort into it. This is enough for me to create a moderately calm episode, and with a little effort to make it more serious and with action elements. So let's see, maybe I can finish the first season of BiSnt this year



Next up

working on GUI today. Looks like it works well! I plan to start work on missions later #Sonic #Demake #SonicAdventure #Fangame #Unity #Adventure

Episode 3 Is Out!

Underwater news :|

Sonic Adventure NPC's is here!

---Hub stages--- Work in progress

News about the first episode

The main part of the Emerald Coast (first act) is ready. Some words about first demo.

Game cutscenes in progress!

About 5th episode and future plans

News about 6th Episode