The first content update is here! We have new playable character Snow and a new Boss Rush game mode.
If you are upgrading from a previous version, the unlock requirements for the new content are waived, and you’ll be able to play them immediately.
Snow is a flying mermaid imprisoned in the capital canal. Loosen the grate with a couple bombs, or one perfectly-placed bomb, and she can escape. She will be selectable in the Campaign, Single Stage, and Boss Rush.
She shoots sonic waves that not only penetrate enemies and cover, but turn their bullets against them. Shoot the bullets until they turn green, then they will damage enemies instead of you.
For her bomb she emits a sonic shout, throwing bullets back at enemies very fast.
Because she is slightly more powerful than Amy, she can only have half as many demons at her command.

Boss Rush
This unlocks when you finish the campaign. Starting with full resources, fight all the bosses in a row.
You recover some resources with each boss defeated, but no extra lives, except for a couple of 1UPs from later bosses.
You can earn the same medals as in the campaign stages, but there is no high score table yet.

The mines in Stage 4 will show a warning before exploding. The warning duration is shorter on harder difficulty.
When Stage 2 midboss comes downstairs, he no longer moves into the bottom half of the screen. Instead he hides inside the house.
Reduce feather drop rate of final boss wings to make infinite bomb loop harder.
When you collect a red heart with your demons maxed out (20 for Amy, 10 for Snow), the bonus points are increased on harder difficulty.
Reduce power loss on death: -1 level, or -2 at max level, instead of all. Inebriator minigame is adjusted similarly.
Autobomb protection when holding max bombs. When hit, throw a bomb instead of dying, at the cost of losing all bombs. Does not apply in Inebriator.
Bug fixes
Fixed crash when pressing Back alone with quick restart option enabled.
Fixed some enemies firing too fast on Demonic difficulty.
Fixed demo crashing from trying to load Stage 2 which is no longer included in it.
Campaign high score table is now 20 pages, showing a total of 100 scores.
In pause and game over menus, you can now choose to restart at the checkpoint or at the beginning of the stage. (Before this, if you failed a stage medal and wanted to try for it again, you had to return to the main menu and choose the stage again.)