I’m currently very close to finishing the 1.1 Update. Since I’m close to my finals, I’ve focused on adding a bunch of new creatures and tweaking things that needed to be tweaked. At first, my objective was to add new bosses, songs and monsters in the update, but I’m really running short on time, so that’s why there won’t be any new bosses in 1.1. Expect them on v1.2 or 1.3!
-New monsters (will talk about that in a sec)
-changed the position of the health and special bars
-the Splitshot is now a viable weapon
-squashed a bunch of small, annoying bugs
As for the new monsters, here they are!
-Goes down screen similar to the Zombies, but throw axes on their way
-Stay on the edge of the screen and constantly shoot arrows to hinder player movement
-Goes down the screen erratically
BAG (does this even count as a monster? What’s inside it anyway?)
-Follow the player around, slowly but surely
-Follows the player horizontally on the top of the screen, shoots projectiles
-bounces around the screen
-The more you shoot it, the faster it moves
The new monsters will only appear in this group. The older ones will also work like this. It’s random every time, but once I get more monsters on the work, I might make an actual order.
I believe the new update will be available in the beginning of this week. Once it’s out, I’ll make another devlog.
Have a good one!