Hey GameJolt!
Huge thanks to all of you!
We are overwhelmed by the positive feedback concerning momentum and very thankful for all the feedback, great comments and gameplay videos!
(looking at you @JustHeather @Mutantgamer345
@PlayFromWork THANKS!)

We’re at 1.7k views and and over 400 downloads thanks to you all!
Currently we’re working hard on finding time to include more levels, but the main focus right now is on finishing the android and iOS buidl of the game, which are already working really well. We’l post some touchy-gameplay-goodness soon!
Also we have a wonderful couple of musicinas making music and new sound-design for us. Those new Assets will already be included in the new upcoming builds, but we havent devided yet how and when we’ll release them (big decision!)
We’ll post a preview video soon though!
Here’s some of the muscicians other work over at Soundcloud:
Again thanks so much for your attention and please RATE, COMMENT and FOLLOW, it means and helps a LOT!
your MOMENTUM-Team