Whohoo. 4 days ago SkyTown had been in development for a year! A lot has happend during this year and SkyTown has improved in every possible way. Many of the changes has been ideas from people here on gamejolt and you the gamejolt comunity have helped me make this game the best it can be. it is still in the development and the feedback i get and have gotten here is awsome. Its also a lot of fun making a game that i know a lot of people will play, rate and share their opinion :).
Before i started posting games on gamejolt no one played my games and i understand why, they where horrible games untill i started posting here and got feedback that made me improve the games i made. over the years i have been at gamejolt i have also changed a lot as a developer, my skills have gotten a lot better. SkyTown has taught me a lot of GML and i still got lots to learn. Your feedback have helped me improve the game.
When the game first hit gamejolt it was a poor looking game with just a gray box in the corner with some houses on it that was suposed to be a shop. you could press the house and build a house and a factory. The house would give you more people and the factory would make money. With feedback from the comunity i started changing and adding new features to the game such as the food and happiness. At some point i added a nuke that you could use to nuke your town, its not currently in game anymore but dont worry it will return some day.
I still remember the day i got a 100 Plays on SkyTown, i was shocked! My previous games had like 20 plays if i was lucky. SkyTown got more and more attention and some people even started following the game somthing i thought was insane. People started comenting on the game with feedback and ideas and i was like ” wow some people actually played this and left a comment” that was new to me. Before SkyTown i had never had a game that actually got any attention at all. It was a new experience, finally it felt like people enjoyed the game i was creating and that was really cool.
Now 14.826 plays later SkyTown has evloved a lot and its still in development and with the help of the gamejolt comunity i will make this game the best it can be!
I also included some old screenshots from the beggining of the game so that you can see the difference :)

Thanks for all your support!