Here’s a long overdue update, been almost two months since we released the SAGE demo and posted the last update.
So where have we been and what’s the current status of the project?
We’ve been doing various things as of these past few months, such as catching up with school and Strimp has been working on Kirby Gamble Galaxy Stories: Extended Demo which I’ve been helping here and there with visuals needed for it alongside a few other gents.
But we haven’t forgotten about Kirby’s Dream Land Plus, not even close. While we’ve been quiet about it, but we’ve gotten a lot of sprites created such as the sprites needed for the Pause Screen, Level Select, sprite sheet for Gooey and other sprites for other characters, items for the shop, etc. While Austic has created an original title screen theme for the game which will replace the KDL2 one we used in the demo.
Currently we’ve been listening to some feedback we’ve gotten from when the demo was released awhile back and completely redid the sprites for the Intro and Keeby’s Shop menu to adjust for the criticism we’ve received from them and so they can be more in line with the current quality standard of the project.

We look forward to updating you all again soon, hopefully quicker than before.
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