Jolly 3 Chapter: 1 - SCRATCH REMASTER
7 months ago

100 followers, thanks to everyone who followed the game.

Unleashing things i haven't leaked yet till now

WATCH THE VIDEO (if you want to.)

Sorry if the video is loud or quiet.


The Devlog:

  • so the first thing i want to say, i have changed the jumpscares, added extra sounds to them.

    • Yeah i also changed metal's jumpscares.

  • The office got a little remodel i can say, there is a image of how it looks now and before:




  • Small change but apperantley good for me.

  • Changed the main menu

  • Added a animation when the animatronic enters the player's office and when it goes back after the gas lever was pulled on.

  • As mentioned earlier I remade the gas lever animation.

  • Added exit buttons to extras and custom night,

    • also added challenges to the custom night.

  • Added log in menu and with some working functions and added the TROPHIES.


I think that's all for the devlog, that's all i have made so far.



Next up

Little Game Over screen leak

Custom Night Menu Preview:

- This isn't the final version of the custom night, because I'm doing something now, so yes, I'll reveal it in the 100 followers special. Now have this, from what I did earlier today.

the gas thingy got a animation update

The difference:

more realistic,

Things added tho:

- Blur effect (Que importante)

- New Animation which is more realistic atleast

Another Small Update

just realized how bad this is

im still here...

Game Over Screen

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!


the music i made:

for a second i forgot i was recording lol