Jolly 3 Chapter: 1 - SCRATCH REMASTER
7 months ago

100 followers, thanks to everyone who followed the game.

Unleashing things i haven't leaked yet till now

WATCH THE VIDEO (if you want to.)

Sorry if the video is loud or quiet.


The Devlog:

  • so the first thing i want to say, i have changed the jumpscares, added extra sounds to them.

    • Yeah i also changed metal's jumpscares.

  • The office got a little remodel i can say, there is a image of how it looks now and before:




  • Small change but apperantley good for me.

  • Changed the main menu

  • Added a animation when the animatronic enters the player's office and when it goes back after the gas lever was pulled on.

  • As mentioned earlier I remade the gas lever animation.

  • Added exit buttons to extras and custom night,

    • also added challenges to the custom night.

  • Added log in menu and with some working functions and added the TROPHIES.


I think that's all for the devlog, that's all i have made so far.



Next up

Game Over Screen

it's not close, yet.. but in simple terms it is.

... wkhuh duh vrph wklqjv klgghq lq wklv lpdjh.. fdq brx ilqg lw?

Jumpscares, the ones i added and the ones that were already shown in the game but yet i showcased them

Things are not final and are subject to change

If you want to hear better then turn the volume up until you hear normally these sounds.

Another Small Update

im still here...

easter egg #1

just realized how bad this is

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!


doing smth