1 year ago




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F***Boy's Wild West - REDUX UPDATE

BIGGER, BADDER, and, Wilder ?

after some time I decided to update the game with not only bug fixes and balance changes but also additional new content

The Following Update Contains:

Version 1.8 Update

Find the Omega Hat

"It's really starting to fall down isn't it"

what the actual community project is (GE REGILDED)

to keep it short:

FNaFb4 Demo V0.4.0 Skills and Marionne Update is out!

if you have a recommendation to make a change in a skill, don't hesitate to tell me.

sktcaeu patch note 1.1.0:

ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you my newest masterpiece

fnafb divorce simulator

It's publicly available to play here


Yeah another FNaFb4 Fan Game, it's only a demo for now (yes i don't have a better image to use in this post)


it's not over yet..