Fangames in Five Nights at F***boy's: The Community
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Make sure to check out the FNaFb Fangame doc!…
Its constantly updated and can be very useful when looking for fangames to play.
(more info below)
100 Followers ! Woah, that's a number and this fast !
Other than my old and pretty outdated version of Fuck Nights at Wario's 2.0 (or 4.3 as of now I guess), this is my first more modern and higher quality FNaFb Game that got this popular.
I am maliciously brewing something
well shit.
probably'll do a bit of both.
you'll see ;)
FNaFb4 Demo V0.5.0 Freddles Update is out!
The Second Image was made with Scott Cawthon Models Fixed by Thudner and Andys.
(In old saves doesn't work the summon skill type)