I really can't complain about 2023, it really was a good year in my point of view. I mean, obviously it had its bad things and its good things like every year, but it was a good year.
This year is where I started to be most recognized by Temesis, the project in which he has invested the most time and the one that is currently more than a simple FNaF fangame, it is like a house with wonderful people in it. I feel comfortable developing with this team and I am glad to have met all of them.
It is true that it has also been incredible to have been able to meet at least a little bit with incredible developers this year (it doesn't have to be knowing because you are friends with them, but having tried their projects or see how those projects are going)
@kazovsky , @LiterallyJustAToby o @VixDev
could be a good example!
One thing is that it is inevitable to lose people throughout life, it is something normal and we cannot avoid it, we have to accept it and move on. And it's not necessarily bad to lose people, in certain cases It can even turn out to be something good. You just have to think that life goes on and there will always be new friends, but those who stay and understand and help you are the true friends. Life goes on, and the bad always ends, the good things always stay longer. Live a great life and remember to move forward
There will be much more from LoxerVosky, I enjoy doing what I do and I like this platform and the community that is being formed by Temesis. I love this project and everyone inside and outside of it
For me and the entire Temesis team we wish you happy holidays, a great Christmas and a happy 2024!!!