OH MY GAWD!!!!!! Draxx Dustun Studios also have their very own and official Epic Wubboxes as well too!!!!! And there's two of them!!!!!! Which, both of them have been teased and being in development for nearly since the starts of May of 2023!!!!!! OUTSTANDING!!!!!!! MAN!!!! I can't believe that Draxx Dustun Studios have their very own Epic Wubboxes!!!! And these are special ones here folks!!!!! The official #47thDDSPCC is known as "VirevadD (VI-EYER-VAD)", the Epic Wubbox from Fire Island!!!!! And from Fire Oasis (nice name for a fire island by the way), we have the official #28thDDSPCC known as "Rubbersockz (Rubber-SOKX)"???? Yeah, those names weren't actually made from Draxx Dustun Studios, they were all created all from me!!!!!!
(And here's the official Link on how I'd created those names for those official Fire Epic Wubboxes in the First place: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/878393825/)
YEP!!!! That's true folks!!!! Way back around in May of 2023, I'd officially created an official Scratch Project/Slideshow called "The Jax Justun Studio's MSM Wubbox Family (Version 2.0)"!!!!! And all of that was based on parody-like stories based around each Wubbox of the timelines of Jax Justun Studios!!!!! It's been now two or three years now since I'd made some updates on that creation right there!!!!! Hopefully, when time passes on by, I'll eventually have the times to do some more future updates on that parody-like creation!!!!!!
So yeah folks, Draxx Dustun Studios had also created and programed those two fire epic wubboxes to become official parody cameo mascots as some Mall Keepers!!!! More future updates on all of that sooner then later!!!!!! And now, after two years of waiting (three years counting 2025), the official epic fire wubboxes known as both VirevadD and Rubbersockz have finally been revealed!!!!!! And I must say folks, Blue Bubble has done a really good job on creating those two amazing epic wubboxes!!!!! And with that, both of Jax Justun Studios and Draxx Dustun Studios have finally have an official grand total of 14 wubboxes!!!! Stay tuned for more on that official grand total right there folks!!!!!! And sorry folks, both of VirevadD and Rubbersockz won't have their official parody forms created because already, they both look great and handsome as always!!!! Wait a minute here folks????
What about Haxx Hustun Studios though??? Do they have official Epic Wubboxes in their official parody timelines!?!??!?!!! They do???? Huh??? More future updates for later I guess!!!!! Wait???? Draxx Dustun Studios have a third epic wubbox from Ethereal Island named as "Space Ta'Craft"????? OH BOY!!!! And there's even official rumors about that stuff as well too!!!!! Anyways folks, it is now getting late and both VirevadD and Rubbersockz must recharge until their official parody cameo appearances are ready to start!!!!!! Man!!! I can't believe that Jax Justun Studios, Haxx Hustun Studios, AND Draxx Dustun Studios have like a massive amount of MSM monsters joining into their official parody timelines and everything!!!!! Anyways, goodnight to you all and have a wonderful and safe day!!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #FireEpicWubboxesAreOnFire!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!! #VirevadDandRubbersockzAreBoth........... #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!