Is that an actual chocolate chip cookie!??!?!!!! And it's an official parody mascot of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! And his/its name's known as "SCP/Experiment-98UKH", also known as "Gross Fraud-Cookie"!!!?!?!?!!!! Created back on this day alone, on September 29th, 1993, this one was actually the most popular and famous side-parody mascot/character of all time!!!!!! Sadly, not much has been said about this thing right here!!!!! But all I can say's that, this was yet another easy parody mascot to be ever created!!!! And why did Haxx Hustun Studios created a parody mascot of a Cookie!?!??!!!! We'll never know I guess!!!! Anyways folks, I'll see you all next time!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #RespectThemParodies!!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!! #GrossFraudCookiesNothingBut......... #OctoberOf2024sGoingToBeAwesome!!!!!!!!!
Next up
Jax Justun Studios Video #40 - (Created on: October 4th, 2024) Hey guys, it appears that Haxx Hustun Studios AND Napature Science has created themselves the official #40thJJSvideo for today/tonight!!!!!!
While I'm chilling from game dev, gonna show the endo that was made by @Mortuus
Till next time when I return to working on the projects!
Haxx Hustun Studios Banner Poster Shrine #VersionEight - (Created on: Sept. 14th, 2024 - Sept. 22nd, 2024) After just nine days in making here in #SeptOf2024, it's finally been created!!! Kind of a bad time though, but still, it was worth it at the end!!!
be prepared
HT Band Member Parody Bio Poster #5 (For Crystal The Octoling) - Created on: December 15th, 2024 WOW!!!! What a chaotic day this was folks!!!! Good thing it wasn't all that bad!!!! But anyways, here's something from Napature Science!!!!
Haxx Hustun Studios Banner Poster Shrine #VersionNine - (Created on: December 14th, 2024) After delays after many delays on end, Haxx Hustun Studios are FINALLY back with the official #9thVersion of their Banner Poster Shrine!!!!!
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