And it's their official and #5thRecordatusDDSparodyMascot known as "Vissa Clan", created way back on December 21st, 2007!!!!! I have no ideas why that Draxx Dustun Studios had created so many parody mascots, recalled parody mascots, and/or parody cameo mascots all over during December times, but, yeah.......I have no ideas at all here!!!! So yeah, my eyes were hurting a bit while creating this rich clam here!!!! And the end of day here, it turned out pretty well!!!! And do you know what else is interesting about this guy here??? Well, Vissa Clan is known to be a rich parody mascot and a Mall Keeper!!!! But anyways folks, that's the end for today's post and everything!!!! Looks like Draxx Dustun Studios is going to have a massive amount of parody contents for the next future/upcoming #JJSvideo!!!! Assuming that Christmas day won't be in the ways of things!!!! Anyways, I'll see you all next time!!! Stay tuned for some more future updates!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!! #RichMallKeepersAreReal #AndTheyreAlsoFromDDS!!!!!!!
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