I can't believe it!!! Draxx Dustun Studios has finally given us an official AND special look at their official #7thRecalledParodyMascot from Series Four of 2024!!!!!! This is none other than "PlaneTrasticorse", also known as "OctoAircraft-TriedFuss"!!!!! Strange nickname I know people!!!! Officially created way back from April 12th, 1846, through March 4th, 1958, this massive DDS parody mascot airplane thing was officially created by none other then "Cessnsei Movieseen", the older sister of "Elenna Movieseen"!!!!! I guess that Cessnsei Movieseen was into flying airplanes I guess!!!! Wait??? Wasn't this the very first parody mascot vehicle ever created from Draxx Dustun Studios??? From another girl named "Nannina "Kreem Bankdreemaw or KB" Vreyd Spreyer"???!?!?!?!!!!! WOW!!! That name's such a mouth full right there folks!!!! But I'm sorry guys, looks like some more future updates will be made shortly for next time I'm afraid!!!! This plane does NOT mess around with its official airline schedule and everything!!!!! MAN!!!! I didn't expect to create this one so quickly and early late at night!!!! Anyways folks, goodnight and I'll see you all next time!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #WelcomeToDDSparodyAirlines!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!!