So... it's been almost 6 months since the last devlog?
Time really flies huh?
Anyway I've got some things to say.
Firstly, happy new year!
I said that on my gamejolt profile but for those who missed it
Happy New Year!
Now onto the progress update.
The Map Remake
I stated before that I was going to completely overhaul the map, while keeping the map idea similar to the original map.
I've been working on it a bit and I think I should show off one of the rooms I've mostly finished!

This room here is the brand new entrance area, quite an upgrade from the original eh?
Like I said before I want to keep the map layout idea similar to how the original is but make it make more sense and of course look a LOT better.
I would like to share more but I don't want to ruin the surprises :)
Animatronics Upgrades?
So I've been experimenting with sounds for the animatronics, making them sounds more like robots when they move, not sure if I'll keep that included though as I don't have many sounds to use that fit in.
I've also been "improving" the AI's a bit but I'll pass on sharing the details since it's technical. But you'll see, or maybe you won't, either way is good.
I posted two screenshots on my main profile as well one that Freddy is rag dolled on the floor and another where he is staring at the player.

Not sure why these are important but they're here in case you missed them.
3.1 is taking forever!!!
Yes, yes we know the update is taking a long time to make, and to be honest I'm not even gonna say it's almost done, because that would be lying.
In reality it's very far from being completed, there's a lot of features that are coming with this update and not a lot of them are finished.
It'll be worth it though, probably. We've been cooking behind the scenes and there's plenty of things coming in 3.1!
And yes this update is another example of "feature creep" where we want to add more and more and more and that extends development time by a LOT, 3.0 was one of those too but we ended up cutting a lot of stuff to get it out quicker.
and now those features are coming in 3.1.
So, I would like to apologize for the long wait (and the even longer wait).
Feel free to ask any questions in the mean time, I'll answer some of them if I have an actual good answer lol
Until next time.