Fazbear Nights

11 months ago

Fazbear Nights V3.0

Hello everyone!

I would like to apologize for the lack of real updates for the past few months as well as lack of a real showcase of features. I really wanted it to be mostly a surprise. But after all this time it's finally finished!

I started working on this update all the way back in November, and now it's April, time flies when you're having a good time.

What took so long?

Well... this update was originally meant to be a much smaller update adding a few features here and there, mostly bug fixes. However as I kept working things started to add up and eventually I realized that this update needed a new 'title' hence the new version title '3.0'.
Hopefully the wait was worth it.

The Changelog

It's quite long compared to any of the other updates, so if you wish to skip it and get straight into the game spoiler free and see the changes for yourself feel free to do so!

Note: The save system has been completely redone meaning you will need to play the game from the very start. Older versions of the game are unaffected.

Major Game Content

  • Added eight new challenge modes after completing the main game, including new trophies to unlock.

  • Added Legacy Mode for those who missed the original game without any of the cool doors or cameras. The AI's have also been tweaked to behave like pre 2.0 to an certain extent.

  • A lot of brand new easter eggs, not included here for obvious reasons. (yes this is major content shush)

AI Related Changes

  • Adjusted AI sight ranges to be more fair to the player.

  • AI's will no longer suddenly despawn after 6AM, rather they will become deactivated where they last stood.

  • AI's will no longer attempt to run into the closest door, and will circle around to go to the other door if open.

  • Freddy will now play a laughing animation before moving which results in more predicable movement.

  • Freddy's acceleration has been lowered, so now he will no longer run at max speed as soon as he starts moving.

  • Freddy's animations have been fixed, he no longer looks like he's sliding when moving around.

  • Freddy's power outage sequence has been increased, so now there's a chance for you to have extra time after you run out of power.

  • Bonnie & Chica will stare at the cameras after Night 4.

  • Camera's 2 & 15 will now only work to stall Foxy instead of every camera. However it has been buffed slightly to compensate.

  • Foxy will now run straight at the player whenever he first gets off stage if the player is inside the office.

  • Foxy will now bang on the office doors when he is standing next to one, every knock will drain a little bit of power. Along with a rare chance to temporarily disable the door.

  • If Foxy fails to get to the player after a chase or knocking he will leave the player alone for a while unless spotted again.

  • Improved Foxy's flashlight hitbox so that it registers more consistently when aiming towards his head.

  • Bonnie will no longer instantly chase the player under some conditions.
    These conditions are:
    If the player is walking, in sight of Bonnie, & player is looking at Bonnie. He will start a chase if any of these conditions are false or if a certain amount of time passes.

  • Adjusted Foxy's footstep sound effects slightly.

  • Brand new animatronic materials. (thanks to Galaxyi)

  • Reverted Endo's jumpscare check, they can now kill you if you touch them regardless if you're looking at them or not.

  • Foxy's animation speed has been fixed, no more sliding in some rare cases.

  • Changed the sound effects for flashing Foxy, the new ones fit a lot more.

  • Yellow Bear's AI has been completely reworked (find out yourself)

  • Jumpscares have been completely redone (thanks to Galaxyi again for the new animations)

  • AI's will no longer play footstep sounds if standing at the doors.

  • Animatronic heads (AI) will no longer snap to the target location, for example Freddy will slowly move his head to look at you or a camera rather than snap to it.

  • Endo's will no longer auto target onto the player whenever spawned, instead they will walk around until they spot a player.

  • Endo's now have a subtle ambiance attached to them.

  • Increased animatronic groaning sound volume whenever on camera's and they've caught you.

  • Purple Bear now has an outline making him easier to see in most cases.

Player Changes

  • Added the highly requested crouching and leaning features. (use Z & X for leaning)

  • Added an interaction icon in the middle of the screen.

  • Flashlight range and brightness significantly increased.

  • Flashlight will now randomly flicker a tiny bit when used.

  • Player can now feel fear when looking at nearby activated animatronics or when chased.

  • Player now has a stamina system. It drains a lot slower when being chased, and can be increased faster by crouching, trust me it's balanced.

  • Player now has reaction sounds to the two changes listed above.

Menu Changes

  • Changed options button to be white instead of red to match the rest of the menu.

  • Extra's menu now supports wide screen instead of being locked to 16:9.

  • Login screen now has a subtle background.

  • Added a splash screen on startup. (for legal reasons)

  • Normal menu has been completely redone (will be changed in another update)

Extra's Menu Changes

  • Increased internal power level cap from 999 to 9999 in Custom Night.

  • Removed Freddy's theme song ambiance.

  • Adjusted the Custom Night UI slightly & added a subtle background.

  • Custom Night text boxes can no longer have letters in them and have been defaulted to being empty.

  • Added difficulty templates to the Custom Night menu.

  • Added button for Challenge Mode.

  • Removed Special Thanks button. (it will be returning in a later update)

  • Extra menu images now take up the full screen instead of only part of it.

Audio Changes

  • Some sound effect volumes have been lowered slightly (finally)

  • Added new & adjusted previous ambiance sounds in the pizzeria for an improved atmosphere.

  • Changed fan sound effect once again, this one is final I swear.

  • Circus music timer has been increased, it'll now play much less.

Pizzeria Map Changes

  • The kitchen has been upgraded to look more like a kitchen with actual kitchen props.

  • Some materials throughout the map have been swapped and or altered.

  • Added ground fog because it looks pretty nice.

  • Kid drawling's have been added to some of the walls.

  • Added more detail props to some parts of the map.

  • Added a secondary 'office' to the map, includes a camera monitor but no doors.

  • The pizzeria is now completely dark whenever the power goes out.

  • Some props such as table decorations now have random offsets. Basically it looks better now.

  • Added honk interactions to a few missed posters.

  • Added more map interactions such as using the vending machines for a drink or food.


  • Doors will now open if closed for too long with audio effects for auditory feedback.

  • Doors will now open if the player moves a certain distance away from the office.

  • Overall power consumption lowered slightly.

  • Removed the standing completely still punishments since they were somewhat unfair.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Power now shows the actual percentages of power you have, for example if you gave yourself 500 power in Custom Night and you had 250 left it would display as 50% power. (This change does not affect the normal game.)

  • Monitor now displays a very low resolution version of the last camera used. (Foxy is unaffected though)

  • Office fan rotation speed has been increased.

  • Office fan will no longer rotate backwards when disabled. Was caused by having a slight negative rotation speed.

  • Added a power usage bar on cameras and in the office.

  • Game over screen has been extended but can now be skipped by pressing any button.

  • Normal game over scene has been updated.

  • Added Night, Time, & power usage to the camera UI.

  • Pizzeria lights will now start to flicker when below 50% and continue to flicker more and more the lower it goes.

  • Removed the lumen toggle, it is now located in the settings menu.

  • Adjusted the night intro animation to match the Fazbear Nights 2 Remake slightly.

  • Player can no longer move around while using the cameras.

  • Added locked door interaction animation & changed the sound effect.

  • Redid the pizzeria camera UI to match the updated layout.

  • Fixed a grammar issue with one of the game over tips.

  • Added FSR upscaling to the settings menu.

  • Trophy reward UI has been moved down slightly as to not overlap other UI's

  • Added a custom tooltip for hint text in the game, such as the custom night buttons and input boxes.

  • Fixed camera post process staying on screen while being jumpscared.

  • Fixed player footsteps being muted while walking around in the kitchen.

  • Save system has been redone meaning everyone's progress has been invalidated for this and future updates. (older versions are unaffected)


Man... that was a lot of typing.
Anyway, for those who read it I applaud your dedication to reading really long changelogs.
I warned you it was a giant update didn't I?

My Patreon

For those of you who like my work and wish to support me feel free to join the Patreon. It would mean a lot to me!

And for those of you won't do have any money and still wish to support me you can give me charged stickers on any of my posts. There's a tutorial pinned at the top of my profile for those of you who don't know how it works.
Or... alternatively you can use this link to go there directly.

My Discord

There's also a discord server that you guys can join. It could use a few more active members to be honest.
So... feel free to hop in!

Anyway that's all for now!
If you find any bugs feel free to comment or post them on the discord server.




Next up


Fazbear Nights' Future

Freddy has awakened


3.1 Progress Update


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

Questions & Answers (insert q&a number here) (image unrelated)

Global Devlog - PFR & FN (Audio)

Rat Race Production Update

Fazbear Nights 2 Second Anniversary Devlog (but Early)