My Game Jolt profile has reached 3000 followers!
I never thought that I, Otis Le PoOtis, would get a following, especially on this site. Despite my doubts, look at me now, a Game Jolt Creator with 3000 followers! Thank you!
I still can't believe the amazing reception my games have gotten so far! Having released Bondee's 1 and it being such a success as it is was a great surprise, but a very welcome one. I am working hard to make sure Bondee's 2 is bigger and greater!

That being said I have more followers on my profile than any of my games, so I urge you to follow my games if you haven't already!
Follow Bondee's Barnyard: Safety Violation
Follow Bondee's Barnyard 2: ROOTS
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Join the Bondee's Community
Thank you for your continued support!