Hello….we haven’t posted something in a few days and maybe you thought we gave up with this game. But we don’t.
In fact, we have been working hard to finish the new version and now we want to show you a special features coming up this Friday.
Let me introduce yourselves a TANK:

This is not a new unit for Wall vs Revolution this is a special ability for just one of our characters Can you guess who?
How can you trigger this ability?
Now you have a new User Interface where it show you, beside your lifes number, an special bar which when is full you can use this special ability.
Until you lose 3 life points or it had happened 10 seconds.

The new controls to trigger the special abilities are: Action | Player 1 | Player 2
Special | E | O
The other controls still being the same for both player.
Is a pretty useful feature to make the game more dynamic.
We hope you like it.