*Imperial Manufacturing does not guarantee that body parts will be in their proper places after teleportation. Beware of the formation of black holes.

Next up
And while you're waiting for news regarding Project Eclipse, I suggest you take a look at the soon-to-be-released game by @NotSoDevyJolt , who is also involved in the development of Project Eclipse! https://gamejolt.com/games/ESBrecoded/853097
Important announcement
Legacy Update 1.1 Please update
( Strasburg Thomas )
Vs exe idle sprite remake because its a bit dated https://www.mediafire.com/file/n0acqr305fv64w7/EXEIDLEANIMPARTS.… Heres the parts incase you want to animate the idle!!!
Team Announcement
Patch 1.0.5 (Discord Rich Presence) Please update
Cold so cold
Patch 1.0.3 Please Update If you are experiencing a lack of music in the game even after the patch - try going to the settings