Sonic Project Eclipse [ON HOLD]

1 year ago

Legacy Update 1.1
Please update

The update came out a bit larger than expected, but let's get to the changelog.

QoL and optimization
- The game will now automatically attempt to utilize high-performance GPU when dual-GPUs are present
If the game still runs on the integrated GPU, I suggest that if your discrete GPU was made by Nvidia, go to the Nvidia control panel, program settings, add, select "Project Eclipse Legacy.exe" and select "use NVIDIA high performance GPU". The translation may be inaccurate, but the idea should be clear

- Ability to disable/enable V-Sync in options

Arcade Mode
- Added a progress bar when capturing points in Arcade Mode.


EXE Mode
- In EXE Mode, an additional 30 seconds are added to the timer when a new wave is reached
- As soon as the timer goes down to 30 seconds, different music starts playing and distortions appear on the screen


- Reflections in the water have been added to all levels that are in some way related to Green Hill


- ExRetro

- Switching to Direct3D 11

This is the end of support for the Legacy version of the game, the only thing waiting for us next is a full reboot of Project Eclipse!

Wait for news and good luck!

Gif by @Ltg-average_sonic_enjoyer



Next up

And while you're waiting for news regarding Project Eclipse, I suggest you take a look at the soon-to-be-released game by @NotSoDevyJolt , who is also involved in the development of Project Eclipse!


This image is only a concept of the Custom Mode HUD. The final result may be different.

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Patch 1.0.4 Please update

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

A convenient and safe* way to avoid any dangers

Happy Retro Video Game Day!

Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.

It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.

Patch 1.0.5 (Discord Rich Presence) Please update