Heroine Anthem Zero Episode 2

6 years ago

A Glimpse of Character Page

Hello, everyone,

As the news of demo released on Friday, we are going to reveal more information of Heroine Anthem Zero Episode 02 before the release date. So, keep following this page.

Today we would like to show you something new in the character page. In the page of character, you could check the status of your character like HP and ATK and the equipment (in terms of weapons and suits) your character wearing as in episode 01.

If you look into the screenshot in detail, you will see the page of character is slightly different. We now have the level system to level up the ability of character and even learn more skills.

Furthermore, for our protagonist – Shama, we assign her a reliable friend as a partner during her journey. Who is this little friend and what would this little friend do with Shama? Keep following us and we will release further information in later devlog updates.

P.S Don’t forget to sign up to receive demo version directly on December 12 at first moment. Here is the Link to sign up:



Next up

Investigation of Shama's Weird Actions

Not Just an Adorable Bird-Like Mascot!

Weapon Show

The Fresh Smell from Shama's Backpack

Level Up! - About Advanced Movements

Demo Release !!!

Watch out! Molotov Cocktail is Coming!

Secret Practice of Basic Movement

Take a Look inside Shama's Bag