Heroine Anthem Zero Episode 2

6 years ago

Investigation of Shama's Weird Actions

After 2 days’ investigation, we finally figure out the weird actions Shama did in these days – She is helping Sales”Cat” Meowgiko doing its research about ancient culture, to rebuild the meal morals ate in the past.

As a witness, Meowgiko told us about how good Shama’s cooking skill is. The food she made doesn’t recover the energy only. It even can enhance the ability temporarily. Seems She is not just a tremendous appetite!

You could clearly see that Shama’s cooking performance through the photo above. Thanks Meowgiko provide us this precious scene!

Oh, the last but not the least, there is only less than 1 week left, don’t forget to sign up to receive demo version directly on December 12 at first moment. Here is the Link to sign up:



Next up

A Glimpse of Character Page

Secret Practice of Basic Movement

Not Just an Adorable Bird-Like Mascot!

The Fresh Smell from Shama's Backpack

Watch out! Molotov Cocktail is Coming!

Level Up! - About Advanced Movements

Weapon Show

Demo Release !!!

Take a Look inside Shama's Bag