1 year ago

A more detailed reveiw of the fnaf movie, mostly becasue of your comments on my previous post lmao

(Spoiler Warning)

Everyone has their right to their own opinions, and I think that this film was a huge pile of shit, at least for the most part.

For example, this fucking scene of the animatronics building a fort was almost unwatchable. It completely took all the horror aspect out of everything and was extremely fucking corny in the process. The fact that these huge ass machines are possesed by the rotting corpses of helpless children while doing all this corny ass shit is ridiculous and ruins everything that fnaf was. I hate the direction that the fnaf series is taking already as I've said before, and this hot pile of garbage just made it 10x worse.

Another example is this springlock faliure scene. It was extremely anticlimactic and way too family friendly, also the "I always come back" line was extremely forced.

Honestly, the only thing that I thought was cool about this movie besides some little easter eggs for fnaf nerds like me was the scene where mike escapes the corny fucking saw trap ass freddy mask and sees the other people dead inside of the suits with one guys face being completely disfiguired. That added at least a little peice of what fnaf used to be back into the movie, and getting an official sparky design was pretty cool.

I could go into detail about every scene that I hated but that would take far too long and wouldn't help get my point across any better.

So in conclusion, I'm extremely sad and dissapointed because of how this movie turned out, and it has made me hate the direction fnaf as a whole is taking even more than I did before.



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Sunny's Cafe 3/The Warehouse First Look! https://youtu.be/MqH4ZfswodE

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