Hey, everyone!
I'd like to share some bad news first: my code is quite a bit of a mess. I had quite a few design mistakes I had 2 years ago, and coming back to it, made my continued work on the project a hindrance.
Some of the issues I have:
There were a lot of variables scattered everywhere on objects, which has made some code less intuitive than ideal.
There was very minimal documentation on the code I have written.
All of the fonts, images and backgrounds was scaled up twice the original size in other fangames.
Some of the boilerplate code could've been used instead as functions.
Item variables contain strings, instead of numbers in most games.
With a lot of technical debt I have inadvertently made thus far, I have 2 difficult choices:
Rewrite code in the engine, which includes the fact that I may have to break some functionality when creating better systems, create new bugs in the process, adjust cameras, position, parallax, and movement while down-scaling textures, understanding the mess which is my current battle system, and overall take a toll on my efficiency with some mental overhead while trying to get familiar with my old code. In layman terms, it means overhauling the current engine.
ORMake a new engine (still using GameMaker Studio, of course) from scratch.
In case you haven't noticed, this actually wasn't a very difficult decision. I am now working on a new engine, and with the old code and assets simply used as reference, I can hopefully create better systems quickly, without the weight that has been pulling me from behind.
Stay tuned, and for the meantime, please find some other stuff to enjoy. You could try checking out RickyG's DF Connected for instance.
Thank you!