The Rise of Metal Blaze is a prequel story before the events of the main game, this shows how she managed to manipulate Silver into getting the Sol Emeralds as well as she takes the Chaos Emeralds while trying to defeat Shadow to stop him from ruining her plans.
Next up
Got something new that is being worked on, this next project is going to be based on the FNAF Movie. Not going to share too much what it is, but it's something that people are probably wondering why I'm making this.
Almost done
It's finally over...
Shadow and Maria having a little stroll
So I just discovered this the now, couldn't stop laughing about it.
This fangame released the same day when IGN made their infamous review on Sonic Unleashed.
How did this come?!
I don't know!?
Got to play Xenoblade Chronicles for the first time and I got to admit, this game is pretty good. Even though I was playing the Definitive Edition, it was still a good experience nonetheless.
Update is back in development
for real this time
What happened with FNAW RPG Series?
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