For those of you who are curious, "abacaxi" means "pineapple" in Portuguese. We named him like this because when he was a puppy, he had some darker strands in his fur, and he used to sleep on the floor in a place where we left a pineapple before, so...

Next up
HI! I'm getting close to hitting 1000 FOLLOWERS (woohooo!) and I'm thinking about doing some special things to celebrate this:
- A Fireside where we can play a drawing game together!
- A mini-game using the sock puppets!
What do you think of that?
It's coming, folks!!! Anyone else excited???
It's OK if I repost my Jack Black Bowser drawing for the #MarioMovie quest? Some people might have missed it!
Oh, and if you don't know what this drawing is referencing, click on Read Article for the link!
Just a heads up folk! Just updated the stickers rotation inside my Stickers Pack! Now, by giving me a charged sticker, you can get:
- Vampire Sock!
- Stinky Sock!
- Flowey Sock!
- Mermaid Sock! and...
- Lazy Raven Sock!
Happy sticker hunting!!
This really is cute. Not at all like the last cake I made for the halloween fireside.
Here's what I'm thinking to celebrate the 1K followers milestone... the very first SOCK TOWN prototype!
It's heavily inspired by the Reigns game, but instead of being about being a king... it's about being the director of the "Sock Town" TV show!
Let's keep going! We're going to make a flower bounce today, and we have a lot of work to do!
Click on [Read Article] for boing-oing-oing-oing!
My son got a 3d printer for Christmas and made me a planter :)
For this #DrawABirdDay I decided to make a simple animation as if Greedy Grackle was one of the Socks from Sock Town!
Here's Greedy Grackle Sock!