Hey guys, this is not the post I wanted to make, and this is not the post you want to here. Straight and simple, the game has to be delayed.
This is a choice none of the team wanted to make, but we simply ran out of time. When we first started this project, the release date was December 23rd, and at the time that was pretty realistic. However, due to the games growth in content (The Game is about 3x bigger content wise than we expected) we simply just couldn't push the game out in time.
Several team members have had some personal issues they've needed to deal with, and our team members mental health is just more important than getting a FNAF fangame out in time.
The game is currently around 90% finished, and this delay will be minor. I don't really want to give out a new date incase we can't meet that either, but we are aiming to release this game either by the end of the month, or sometime in early January.
We deeply apologize, but we hope you stick with us until the game is ready shortly.
~ The Luminance Team