If some of you don't know, today is Malrat's birthday, obviously he should have no introduction since I'm sure some of you may know him for his work on various projects and models. I will say that this guy has been a huge inspiration for most of my works. Which explains why I started making TLO:TEOD since 2020 lol.
I've been inspired to make projects since he made most of his games in 2017. (Which we all know they ain't exactly great nowadays) But nonetheless, I would get that spark from said games and think of things I could do as my own spin on it. I don't know how I can properly word this out and saying how grateful I am to have him in the community and hanging out with every now and then. He's more than a cool developer and modeler, but also a really cool guy. Like many people I've met over the years, I really am glad I met Malrat.
I say this a lot with various people, I really do. But I obviously mean when I say I really am grateful.
Happy Birthday, Malrat, and Thank you for what you've given me over the years.