Able Mabel Gets a Job is now complete and you can see just how Able Miss Mabel is!
Honestly, I’m surprised I got it done this quick. But Deadlines are great inspiration and I’ve been wanting to push myself more in programing. And it doesn’t look half bad considering I said “Let’s do this in 16 colours, like King’s Quest. It’s going to be UGGGLY”. And yet there’s something beautiful about it to me. Even that Witch with her big hook nose. And then some things do look ugly, And that’s okay too.
I’m hoping the humour and the setting will keep people interested.
I think what really helped was keeping my scope small. Knowing that yes, I would have help in the invaluable @The_Dhel but this jam for me was proving to myself that I could do a little bit of everything and manage the game too. My first game, Lorna Bains, Spent almost a year and a half in constant drain swirling because I didn’t beleive I could learn to program and I kept second guessing that my art was up to it.
So basically what I’m saying is if you wanna make something, Just do it, but it helps to have a cast of more knowledgable people then you. So with that. Let me just three people.
Firstly of course, Dhel, (@The_Dhel) my ReVenture Games Partner in crime, for listening to all my crazy ideas and somehow enjoying every single one of them.
And Ben Chandler and Francisco Gonzalez, for always being willing to let me just randomly ask them a question over skype and Twitter when I get stuck with AGS and do their best to help me. You guys are the best at what you do. (Listen to their podcast, and buy a Golden Wake and whatever magical thing they’re working on next).
I really hope you enjoy Able Mabel, and if you’ve a little confused by the last line? Well it’s refering to a game I made roughly this time last year in a weekend. Some reason I thought it a good idea to link the two being that they’re twisted Fairy tales. I’m going to put that game up on Game Jolt too. Just first… I need some sleeeeeeep. It’s going to be a good one.
Thank you and goodnight!
Resulka (Natalie Juhasz) for ReVentureGames.