Comments (9)
Cannot get passed the carpet cleaning puzzle. :( But fun so far... funny dialog!!!
Very well accomplished!
Very nice game! I felt like I was in a twisted Downton Abbey. Solid art, good retro feeling, interesting gameplay. I'll check the original tale :)
I enjoyed cleaning! I included it in part 1 of my Point and Click Jam compilation video series, if you wouldlike to check it out :)
GOTY 2014
Able Mabel Gets a Job
This is ReVenture Game's entry for the #pointclickjam.
This is a twist on the fairy tale "The old Witch" wherein 2 sisters take turns taking a maid job with an old witch to earn or steal money from her.
In our version, You've been taken on for a day's trial against another applicant. Can you beat the other girl to get the job? Will you be victorious and the hired help??
Mild Fantasy Violence
Suggestive Themes
Comical Shenanigans