
Comments (9)

What do you think?

Cannot get passed the carpet cleaning puzzle. :( But fun so far... funny dialog!!!

Very well accomplished!

Very nice game! I felt like I was in a twisted Downton Abbey. Solid art, good retro feeling, interesting gameplay. I'll check the original tale :)

I enjoyed cleaning! I included it in part 1 of my Point and Click Jam compilation video series, if you wouldlike to check it out :)

GOTY 2014


Able Mabel Gets a Job

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

This is ReVenture Game's entry for the #pointclickjam.

This is a twist on the fairy tale "The old Witch" wherein 2 sisters take turns taking a maid job with an old witch to earn or steal money from her.

In our version, You've been taken on for a day's trial against another applicant. Can you beat the other girl to get the job? Will you be victorious and the hired help??

Mild Fantasy Violence
Suggestive Themes
Comical Shenanigans

New Version of Able Mabel!

Able Mabel Gets a Job is now complete!

Day... 5? of the Jam

Day 2 of the Jam is done!