The acheivements in this game go along 3 types of story lines (No not there’s not branching story paths, Yeah I wish we had them to but we don’t have forever) Lets take a quick look at all three.
Main Quest Achievements: These types of acheivements you most likely will get on the main story quests. You might find them very badly hiden right in front of you, guarded by a enemy, or somewhere off the beaten path.
Side Achievements: We’ve all heard about side quests; Types of quests you dont have to complete but they might give you health, wepons, items, or armor. These are mostly the same thing “Side Achevements” and are always found some where in a side quest.
Misc. Achievements: This type you won’t even find on any types of quests. most likely you’ll just happen to stumble apon them while shopping or spelunking. These “Misc. Acheivements” are usullay hidden achievements on Game Jolt.
Keep in mind this game is FAR from done and so far (as of pubishing date) we ony have 1 of each achievements.
Alex Stanek, B0X70P5