Earth Eclipse - Children of Chaos

4 years ago

ACTUAL GAME/LORE CONTENT - The Nothingot Runic Magic

Today on this article I will show you about the universal Runic Magic, created by the clan nothingot and used by many races on the Magic World. I will also explore the Nothingot clan itself.

The Nothingot clan, also knows as "Sons and Daughters of war", is actually the Royal Guard clan of Othila kingdom. Thousands of years ago, the general of the royal guard claimed that, since they were the only humans of the Magic World that could store Mana, (together with the Royal Famiy of Othila), and also were sons of Ares himself, the Nothingot clan as superior above the other people that lived in the common cities. Then, the Nothingot clan builded a citadel in the middle of Three Days Florest (the florest that covers half of Othila), the Nothingot Citadel, and had been nearly isolated from the rest of society for the past centuries, but still defending the kingdom's interests, the task that they swore to fulfill ultil the end of time.

The Royal Guard of Othila aways had superior war technology, and all soldiers all soldiers must undergo severe training from the early childhood, to be worthy of the post of General - the higher position of the clan. But only those with "pure blood of the god of war" can really candidate for the post. The Nothingots believe since the founding of the clan that when a child borns with blood red hair, it has the pure blood of Ares, and are worthy for the post of General. Anyone that borns with "normal" hair has no right on the politics of the clan and can never get high posts on the hierarchy, even if they are really a part of the clan by blood.

But, even if they always were capable of doing magic, they only learned how to correctly using it with the creation and aplication of "Runic Magic", a method of creating orthographic formations with memetic capabilities, able of bending the reality surrounding the user, by activating the Mana channels on the sorcerer body. A runic magic user must be highly trained to maintain a controlled state of mind, because any any disturbance on the runes created by they can can have catastrophic consequences to the user and anyone near they. The runes are "writen" in the ar when activated, and the effect can be imediate or controlled by the user, it depend on the specific rune or on the sorcerer habilities. One rune can change its meanning within the user, since its a coginitive activator and all people has diferent minds, but the base element of the rune will always remain the same.

Runes can be used for three purposes: instant spells, equipment incantations and summonings (uses bigger and complex runes).

Instant spells, as the name makes clear enought, are runes that are drawn in the air and instantly activated and used in battle or other situation. This as such as fire balls, ice spikes, and many other complex attacks.

Equipment incantations is simply recording complex spells in an object. Any object can be used to record a spell, but it is recommended that it be resistant. To record a spell into a inanimate object, the sorcerer has to use enchantment runes, that is, specific runes created for this purpose. That are many types of enchantment runes, that the user must learn to make proper magic weapons.

Summomings are powerfull spells, used for complex rituals. Many of these spells are forbidden, due to its dangerous effects. But there are still many ways to learn them. There are summoning spell for things like runic necromancy, dark magic itself, tridimensional runes (used to summon primordial elements), and even rituals to summon ancient spirits.



Next up

Hey... A lot have happened in my life, I've lost a lot of things and kinda left this project behind for a while..

But I really like doing this. I'll soon create a Patreon, cause I wanna release the game for free. Please make this possible

Updates soon :)

We have a date


See the article below to learn about Astaroth, the Arch demon of knowledge. (you will find this character quite important for the game)


See the article above to learn about the Horus Demons!

Flappy Shooter - The Birdocide is a infinite runner game, where you control this cute little birdy and try to avoid other birds, as you fly in the opposite direction of them (for some reason).

You may find floating guns. That you use to shoot the birds.


See the article above to learn about the Magic World and it's kingdoms!

TEST LOG 1: The Main Character In this video I talk about some of the gameplay features I already added for the playable character.

This was recorded on twich, follow me there so you can talk and ask questions during the stream!

TEST LOG 2: Test Rooms

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Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

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