Warning: This Game is 80% Spoilers
Recommendation: Die in Night 1
Recommendation 2: if you Want to Play only Rescue Mode Route do it as the last Route to get, You will Love it
Warning: This Game is 80% Spoilers
Recommendation: Die in Night 1
Recommendation 2: if you Want to Play only Rescue Mode Route do it as the last Route to get, You will Love it
Decided to join xd
Hey Everyone, thanks for 400 followers, i really appreciate the support you gave to this game :D
1 Day Left
"guys look what i found on an old abandoned website, a cancelled NINTENDO DS game!"
(read article before commenting)
Kinda Late of doing those kind of fnaf movie parodies art but eh, i just did this for Fun
(I don't even know what I did, okay?)
Gamejolt API is now Public!
4 Night(the guy on right is my friend I'm chattin in Discord)
Hey Everyone, The Classic Games Archive is now back as promised!
(It has around 4 new games)